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Do I Really Need Monthly SEO?

Is monthly SEO really needed? This is a question we hear often. The short answer is yes. Rankings drop when SEO stops. 

Why Do You Need Monthly SEO? 

Think of SEO as an exercise. You can’t expect to run a 5K one time and automatically look like a fitness model. Instead, dedicate time each week to train for your goals and put in some consistent work. It’s the same concept for SEO. You can’t optimize your site once and then forget about it. SEO takes monthly maintenance or your rankings will drop.  

What Are Monthly SEO Responsibilities?

Broken links and errors occur periodicallyit’s part of having a website. You’ll want to check your site for issues each month. Ensure your site is working properly and there aren’t any errors (broken links, image issues, toxic links, page speed, etc.). Then look at your rankings and evaluate keywords. You’ll also want to look at traffic and conversions to determine if you need to tweak anything. Remember to track what you’re changing as well so you know where to make adjustments later. If you’ve added new content in the last month, you’ll want to make sure that it’s optimized with your target keywords (tags, links, images). 

Watch Your Competition

Another aspect of monthly SEO is your competition. Everyone wants a number 1 Google spot. If your competition is better at SEO than you are, then you’ll need to spend time monthly tweaking…

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