What to Expect with AIM SEO


Welcome to Acquire Internet Marketing. We are excited to have you on the team! We do consider all new clients “team members” as we will be working together to bring your business success.

We care deeply about our clients and are highly motivated to help you capture market share by obtaining more customers through SEO and digital marketing. We have a certain expertise in this area and a refined process that achieves calculable results. You will be able to see those quantifiable results via our analysis tools throughout the months to come.

As a new client, we wanted you to know a little bit about our process and what you can expect from us over the next three months and beyond. We’ve created a summary to keep you informed of our actions from day one. If you have any questions, contributions, or concerns, please contact us, and we will promptly address your needs.

What to expect in Month 1:

Performance Goals:

  • Increase sitewide optimization to 75%
  • Resolve all (up to 150) sitewide technical and on-site issues
    (Websites can have anywhere between 50 and 1000+ sitewide issues before initial optimization)

Client Collaboration:

  • You will receive the New SEO Onboard Email and Request for Information 
  • Onboard SEO Target Analysis Meeting
    During this collaborative meeting, we will finalize our initial target keyword phrases. AIM will ask for clarification, developing a more thorough understanding of your company. We will give researched recommendations, with guidance, suggestions, and approval from you. This ensures we are on the same page and that you more fully understand our process. A follow-up phone call may be necessary as more research is carried out.

Initial AIM SEO

  • Pre-Onboard Meeting Preparation: Site service and/or product category silos created
  • After client’s final target keyword approval, sitewide SEO begins
    • Site audit
    • Cleanup of all sitewide technical and on-site issues – up to 150.
      This includes resolution of broken and toxic links and white hat/Google recommended optimization of title, description, image alt tags, image file names, body content, heading tags and internal linking (additional issues will be resolved in following months)
    • Sitewide optimization to 75%
    • Review, analyze, and modify as needed


  • Completion of Onboard SEO Report sent to client 
  • A link to SEO Dashboard will be sent to affirm the SEO errors and issues have been resolved and site is optimized to 75%.

Month 2:

Performance Goals:

  • 5 to 10 keywords reporting increase in SERP (Search Engine Results Page) rankings
  • Maintain zero technical and on-site SEO issues throughout each month
  • Homepage optimization to 100%
  • All info pages (e.g. about, contact, etc.) optimized to 100%


  • Weekly ongoing site audit completed to check and resolve technical and on-site SEO errors and issues
  • Main Page SEO
    • Home Page Optimization
      • KPM On-Page SEO
        Creating a keyword placement map (KPM) for you home page to utilize the optimal keywords for SEO
      • On page critical/consider fixing SEO issues resolved
      • 100% page optimization
    • Info Page Optimization (e.g. about, contact, etc.) 
      • KPM On-Page SEO
      • On page critical/consider fixing SEO issues resolved
      • 100% page optimization
  • Review, analyze, and modify as needed


  • An email will be sent at the beginning of each month with an attached PDF report that includes-
    • updated sitewide optimization percentage
    • silo page optimization overview
    • resolved SEO errors and issues
  • The email will also include a link to your Live Rankings Dashboard to report your current rankings on all target keyword phrases

Month 3 and on…

Performance Goals:

  • Increase in number of page 1 SERP rankings of target keyword phrases
  • Increase in number of page 2–3 SERP rankings on target keyword phrases
  • 10–20 keywords reporting increase in SERP rankings
  • Maintain zero technical and on-site SEO issues throughout each month
  • Additional Silo Page (service and/or product page) optimization to 100%

AIM SEO – Continuous Monthly Tasks:

Target SEO—High-level, detailed SEO beyond initial months sitewide optimization

Silo Page SEO

  • Silo Page Optimization
    • KPM On-Page SEO
    • On page critical/consider fixing SEO issues resolved
    • 100% page optimization
  • Sitewide optimization percentage will fluctuate month to month as-
    • New pages are added to address missing SEO targets 
      Sitewide optimization percentage will decrease (there will be new issues reported when a page is added prior to optimization)
    • New pages are optimized as silo pages
      Sitewide optimization percentage will increase
    • Technical and on-site errors and issues arise
      These will be continually monitored and resolved
  • Current target keyword phrases on all silo pages will continue to be monitored and analyzed for change or improvement

Additional Content:

  • Blog topic and additional page content team & client collaboration to improve SEO and SERP rankings. This includes-
    • Additional location targets
    • Additional products or services added
    • Creation of blog/blog posts
    • Optimization of existing on-page content


  • An email will be sent at the beginning of each month with attached PDF report that includes-
    • updated sitewide optimization percentage
    • silo page optimization overview
    • resolved SEO errors and issues
  • The email will also include a link to your Live 24/7 Rankings Dashboard to report your current rankings on all target keyword phrases

We are eager to get to work bringing you top rankings and driving customers to your business. To understand more about what we do or just to understand the terms we’re using, take a look at our blogs:

We look forward to a successful and continued partnership!

From all of us on the Acquire Intenet Marketing team!