Online Marketing (Paid, Display, Social)

Internet Marketing Explained

We know that SEO and Internet marketing can be confusing and complicated. We specialize in SEO, bring decades of experience to the table and enjoy educating our clients through the SEO process. If you’re curious about different types of online marketing, then this post is for you!

What’s the difference between paid, display and social? 

People often think that Internet marketing is one big group, but it includes several different types of ads. Internet marketing allows smaller businesses to compete with larger businesses without spending a fortune. Search, display and social media ads have different marketing purposes but work together to help grow your business. 

What are Search ads or PPC?

Search ads are a popular form of paid advertising because so many people use Internet search engines like Google. PPC places ads in search results or on web pages to generate traffic to your website. The ads are typically tied to keywords or placed on sites with similar content to your ad. Instead of paying for the ad, you pay if someone clicks on this ad to head to your website. 

What are Display ads? 

Display ads have high visibility and effectiveness because they appear on web pages. You can customize the text and images on these ads so that your ads reflect your brand. 

Display ads have some advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is you can increase brand/product awareness using display ads. Unfortunately, people have grown accustomed to seeing ads, so your ad could be ignored or overlooked. 

What are Social ads? 

Social media sites, such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest, can target specific audiences based on certain factors like network, hobbies, interests and professions. As a result, social ads can deliver your message to the intended audience quickly and effectively. Plus, they have a high click rate. 

Which ad is best for your business? 

Now that you know more about the different types of ads, how do you know which is right for your business? What is the goal of your ad? Are you trying to raise awareness for your business? If so, then choose a display ad. If you’re trying to help a web searcher find your business, then a search ad might be the way to go. A potential customer is looking for something to solve their problem, and your search ad can help solve it.  

Is SEO marketing?

It might seem odd, but SEO optimization is also a form of online marketing. You can use effective keywords to help potential customers find your business through web searches. You can also ensure your site’s structure is organized and straightforward so that you can be found online. 

Hopefully this overview helps you distinguish between different types of online marketing so you can determine which works best for your needs. If you have specific questions about SEO or need help with your Longmont SEO, please reach out so we can help!

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